“You know what, we’re working out from tomorrow”– a short horror story and an almost unachievable reality. We wake up with a workout plan, put on the workout gear we bought in excess, and go for it until we don’t want to the next day. 


So here are ways you can stay on track *pun intended* the next time you promise yourself to stay active. 


Try different workouts


Try out different things; it could be a tennis class or a kickboxing lesson. It’s easier to stay consistent if you find something you genuinely like doing.


According to Dailyburn “Researchers in a recent study from the National Bureau of Economic Research found that rewarding new gym members with $30 or $60 gift cards for exercising made little to zero impact on their workout motivation in America.”


The next time you blindly take a one-year gym membership, rethink your interests. 


Have an immediate and a long term goal


Make up a reward system that is worthy of a simple reward. For example, you can get a book you’ve been eyeing if you reached the set goal. 


Having a long term goal helps too. Whether it’s losing 3kgs or getting better at a specific workout– setting a goal will help motivate you to achieve it sooner than later. 


Making sure you’re working out to better yourself is vital. Aim to increase your energy levels, improve your mood, or concentrate on lowering your stress levels by staying active. 


Start with shorter workouts 


Lack of time can’t be an excuse anymore. Start slow with shorter sessions of workouts you enjoy.


As mentioned in chrisryanfitness, “Research has proven that High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can reduce the amount of time you require to exercise while yielding more benefits than the regular moderate-intensity cardio workouts.”


Find a Workout Partner


Find a buddy to go workout with. Who said working out needs to be a serious task? An easy way to start enjoying it is by joining a friend who has a similar plan, or someone that helps motivate you. Be sure to push yourself, and vice versa.


Lastly, if nothing helps, tell yourself to go for 15 minutes. If you still feel unmotivated and unbothered, just quit and try another day again. Remember, it’s crucial to feel good doing what you’re doing.


The only way to make working out a habit is to do it consistently.


 At the end of the day, you’ll be glad you did!

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