Remember when you woke up wearing a glamorous little black dress, face full of make-up, dead phone, some bruises, and an excruciating headache? Sounds like the perfect ode to a fun evening. But alas, the morning looks blurry, and you’re almost a little dizzy from the previous night trying to recollect conversations and combat light or anything that breathes. Welcome to the mighty Hangover! The part of life that reminds us that everything comes at a cost. Even a fun night of drinking with friends. Our body isn’t happy with the current state of affairs unless you’re one of those lucky rays of sunshine after a night of drinking.
But unlike the movies, let’s hope, you don’t have to deal with angry gang members or missing friends. You can refocus the very little energy that you have on trying to feel better. Instead of cursing at yourself and making fake promises to never drinking again, you could listen to us and beat your Hangover (well, mostly).
What happens during a hangover?
Urban Dictionary defines a hangover as “Nausea and headaches often caused by way too much alcohol”. And that’s pretty much the gist of it. Mayo Clinic says that “Alcoholic beverages contain ingredients called congeners, which give alcoholic beverages their flavour and can contribute to hangovers”. This ingredient has some short-lasting effects on our bodies.
For one, you’re more tired and drained. Alcohol has messed with your body’s natural rhythm, and someone’s gotta pay (you). You’re also severely dehydrated. You aren’t consuming enough water, and you’re even letting a lot of it go. Alcohol irritates our stomach, which doesn’t facilitate the best bathroom experiences the next day.
Yeah, it’s not a pretty sight. And the bad news is there is no “cure” for a hangover. But you can avoid the worst of it with these methods.
Tips & Tricks to follow the next day
LOTS of water: Since dehydration is one of the biggest reasons behind hangovers, it’s only fair that we top ourselves up with water the next day. This doesn’t mean you chug it like you probably did with your drinks last night. But a few sips of water every few minutes will go a long way.
Eat a good breakfast: We know what you’re thinking. You feel too nauseous or “icky” the next day. Eating breakfast seems impossible. But powering through that meal is what’s going to help you through the day. Skip the urge to order something greasy and find a meal that has nutritional value. Eggs, bananas, and apples are excellent foods to add to the mix and some much-needed carbohydrates.
Get some electrolytes: Find some beverages that aren’t water to help you get your electrolytes in order. It’s best to avoid sugary drinks or sodas and stick to things like coconut water, Gatorade or any other sports drinks. It’ll give you the energy to power through half the day, at least.
Try some ginger or peppermint: Even a small amount of ginger and/or peppermint can help your gut feel better. They aid digestion and soothes your stomach from the effects of alcohol.
Sleep it off: A hangover is a perfect excuse to jump right back into your comfy bed and get a few more hours of rest. After all, it’s for health-related reasons, and you can justify it. Call in sick to work and get back into bed to beat the exhaustion.
Chamomile Tea & Meditation: “Hangxiety” is a common side effect during a hangover. Your mental capabilities are equally bewildered by your drinks. To put your mind and body at rest, try drinking some flavoured tea. You can also choose to meditate and practice some mindfulness to help seal the deal.
Things to keep in mind for next time
Here come tips that you’ll probably forget before your next night out. But if you have to work the next day or invest your time in something other than self-care, they’re worth keeping in mind. These are some ways you can curb the extent of your Hangover when you drink.
Eat well: Drinking on an empty stomach may get you drunk quicker, but it also ensures worse hangovers. Do your gut a favour, and try to get in a good meal before you start drinking.
Pace yourself: This might not be the most accessible or most achievable goal, but it’s a good one to set before you go out. Even if you aren’t drinking “in moderation,” you’ll thank yourself for skipping on the constant refills.
More water: Yes, this one shows up on both lists because it’s just that important. Remind yourself to drink a glass of water for every drink you have. This will help you feel less dehydrated the next morning.
Lastly, the age-old technique of the “hair of the dog that bit you” or “the only way to beat a hangover is to drink more” doesn’t work. Sure, momentarily, you’ll go back to feeling like you’re on top of the world. But there’s no hiding from facing your fears. So skip the hassle and take care of yourself. Whether you choose to take a day off or spend the next week on a detox, you can’t skip out on taking care of yourself. Besides, staying indoors is a great way to hide your sober self from all the dumb decisions that your drunk alter ego made last night.