Hearing someone asking for space isn’t the best thing in the world. It’s hard not to take it personally. It often prompts the worst anxieties and fears about being liked or loved. And of course, it’s terrible for your mental health. You begin to make assumptions in your head, and essentially, believe that this is the beginning of the end for your relationship. 


But space may not always be a bad thing. It is equally possible that the person comes back, valuing the importance of the relationship even more. Space gives the person to step back, take a deep breath, and realize their identity without you. And many a time, it may or may not be personal. Hence, it is SO important to honour their wish without losing your mind. Although it’s best not to overthink, it’s essential to reflect to nurture a relationship. 


So here’s what you can do before you drive yourself crazy:


Make it clear that you are giving them space out of respect and care for the person. Not because you want to. 

One of the possible consequences of agreeing to give someone the space they asked for is that they might start to think it’s not a big deal to you. That you don’t care about or for them. This puts you in a tricky situation. To ensure you are both on the same page about it, explain that you will only back off until they are entirely ready to get close again. Or let them know how this may be hard for you and if there is you can meet mid-way. 



Make your own decisions and find your individuality.

It is not a shocker that when people get into relationships, especially romantic, they often forget their individuality and blend into one identity. If you learn to stand on your own feet and make your own decisions,

it helps you feel less attached to your significant other (or even a friend). 


Decision making is essential for your mental health and identity, hence making it super powerful. It will help you grow and makes it easier to walk away when necessary. Focusing on yourself will give you more confidence and show you that you could deal with it if it comes down to both of you breaking up.

If you’re unhappy with yourself, it’s always best to do something about it.


Identify the reason they needed space in the first place.

Think of what happened before asking them what they meant by needing space. Then ask yourself if you did something to upset them and how you can make it more comfortable in the future. Self-realization, when required, is a crucial tool in making things right with a loved one. It shows effort, which in turn makes the person feel better.


It is also essential to talk to them about what you have been keeping to yourself because communication is truly the key to any relationship. 


To conclude, you love your partner or a friend, and space is taken and needed in the most successful relationships. If you still love your partner, do the best to show up by fixing the damaged things. If there is still love, this isn’t the end; this may be the start of a great new beginning.

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