Remember, when we had a stack of friendship bands and paraded our gaudi hands across people’s faces letting them know we have at least forty friends? Yeah, we’re not so sure about that anymore.


We see memes humouring ourselves about the two friends we have, Instagram posts revolve around the same two and day outs are planned with them also. Contradictory to popular belief, that’s not a bad thing at all. 


Through the increase in social media use, it’s a lot easier to make friends today. While it may be great to meet new people, in person or virtually– People that tend to have a smaller circle of friends seem to find happiness easier. 


According to research, here are some advantages that come with having a smaller friend group: 

– You can be honest about who you are

With the larger friend group, you have to keep an open mind to different opinions that people tend to have without hurting their feelings. With having a smaller friend group and picking who you’re most similar and comfortable with, it’s easier to be true to yourself. 

You have the freedom to be the way you want and to think about whatever you want to believe. You can share your thoughts, your confusions, without having the fear to be Judged.


– You get things done

It is harder to say no to plans when you have many people asking you to skip work and go out with them. By having a smaller friend group, you end up saving a significant amount of time and energy. Thus, allowing you to get things done. 


– Fewer disturbances in your daily routine

Similar to the previous point, there are fewer reasons for you not to get done with your plan for a particular day if no one is making spontaneous plans with you. While there is a likelihood that your best friends might ask you for a last-minute drive, they will be more understanding about the urgency of getting your work done without being a bad influence. 


– You find your real, long term friends

According to the saying, “a friend in need is a friend indeed,” you find out who your friends truly are when you need them in a crisis. Having a larger friend group means not knowing who to call and the possibility of them not realizing the urgency of the trouble. 


However, if we neglect our few friends in favour of the many, we will fail to thrive, so stay tight and be good, people.

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