Techopedia defines feed fatigue or “social media fatigue” as “social media users’ tendency to pull back from social media when they become overwhelmed with too many social media sites, too many friends and followers and too much time spent online maintaining these connections. Boredom and concerns about online privacy are also linked to social media fatigue.”


We live in a world where people talk on social media about everything, by everything, we mean *EVERYTHING*. From calling people out to sharing personal triumphs, social media has taken over lives in a way that can’t be reversed. 


Our timelines are often flooded with heaps of information; we’re easily overwhelmed with comparisons, our life doesn’t seem as good anymore. And the important things, the social issues and news about the world falling apart– this may usually contain graphic and/or sensitive content which is again, overwhelming for many, despite its importance to shed light on. The mixed, cannot-be-coped-with feelings now have a name– “feed fatigue.”

Here are a couple of ways to overcome that unbearing sense of anxiety and dread: 


It is entirely okay to take a little break

When stepping away from social media, it truly is a fresh of breath air. However, people tend to forget that the world will not end if we don’t open social media for a day. 


It even allows people to connect in ways that have faded away, like saying hello to new people when walking, or smiling at the waiter in the coffee shop. People who genuinely miss talking to you will find a way to speak to you. It practically opens up space for you to realize who you are as a person and who cares about you. No wonder social media detox is big with the millennials. 


Stay true to yourself

One of the most common ways to cause anxiety as a human being in comparison with the people you follow on social media. It can be genuinely damaging to people’s self-esteem and may even cause you to change or alter your personality and appearance to replicate what fits the common ‘beauty standards.’ 


When hiding behind a screen, it is quite convenient to adopt a persona that you never could live up to in real life, which is why nothing you see is real. So, learn different methods to block out what others are doing. You have room to create your path and a clear head on what you want to be doing. Therefore, being true to yourself and your goals. 


Step away from Doomscrolling

It means scrolling through bad news on social media for hours, without really processing it. It can gravely impact mental wellbeing if done excessively. Here are some tips and ways you can step away from the habit consciously. 


Being able to put your phone down to get away from this kind of content is a blessing. But to undertake something else, something helpful, something that’s going to make a difference and you will maybe come back feeling better. 

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